
Benefits of Massage

• Reduces Stress and Tension
• Relieves Muscle Soreness
• Increases Circulation
• Promotes Restful Sleep
• Faster Healing For Injuries
• Increases Flexibility
• Reduces Blood Pressure   
• Improves Muscle Tone
• Stimulates Nerve Activity
• Increases Joint Mobility
• Increases Energy Level
• Increases Sports Performance


Benefits of Energy Work

• Elevates Mood
• Brings Balance
• Allows Healing
• Better Sleep
• Promotes Relaxation
• Reduces Stress
• Improves Overall Health

Therapeutic Massage

There are many types of massage used for therapeutic relief of pain, injury or stress.

The techniques of massage have developed over many centuries and in many cultures. Today's therapeutic massage combines both the ancient wisdom with the modern understanding of physiology to treat conditions as diverse as sports injuries to depression and anxiety relief.


Essential Oils

Essential Oils both plant and mineral derived have been a part of medicine and healing for as long as anyone can tell. The lists of herbal, mineral, and animal cures goes on and on. From the bizarre to the mundane. The ancients believed in the power of these medicinal herbs, essences and oils to heal and rejuvenate the human body and spirit. While these healing substances have gone through various stages of neglect and even derision, today we find more and more practitioners and others going back to these time honored and tested cures. In these pages we hope to share some of our favorites with you.


Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is used in medicine as an anti-inflammatory and as an antiseptic. It has both aromatic and topical applications. The flowers are used in culinary applications as well as applications around the home where a calming scent is needed. Lavender is useful as a sleep aid, just rub a bit of the oil on your temples just before bed and it will calm and help you fall asleep faster.

Naroli Oil

Naroli oil is an essential oil produced from the blossom of the bitter orange tree (Citrus aurantium subsp. amara or Bigaradia). Its scent is sweet, honeyed and somewhat metallic with green and spicy facets. Orange blossom is also extracted from the same blossom and both extracts are extensively used in perfumery. Orange blossom can be described as smelling sweeter, warmer and more floral than naroli. The difference between how naroli and orange blossom smell and why they are referred to with different names, is a result of the process of extraction that is used to obtain the oil from the blooms. Naroli is extracted by steam distillation.

Energy Medicine

Energy medicine combines many traditions and is found in many cultures. Using techniques which adjust the body’s subtle energy field healing and relief for physical symptoms of many conditions can be achieved. Cynthia has studied and applied some of these techniques since 1986 and continues to expand on this body of work for the benefit of her clients. Training and certification in both Eden Energy Work and Reconnective Healing are examples of these techniques offered by Cynthia Swaan-Haase.

Reconnective Healing

Reconnective healing is a unique approach to harmonization of the individual energy matrix of a human being with the energy matrix of the larger whole. This method of healing posits that if an individual is in alignment with the universal energy matrix that good health is not blocked or eroded by individual impediments that accrue during everyday living.

Cynthia Swann-Haase: Cynthia graduated from the Suncoast School of Massage in February of 1990, and for the past 28 years has worked full time as a Licensed Therapist. She has continued her education in the health field to give her clients the maxim…

Cynthia Swann-Haase:
Cynthia graduated from the Suncoast School of Massage in February of 1990, and for the past 28 years has worked full time as a Licensed Therapist. She has continued her education in the health field to give her clients the maximum benefits from each massage.
Prior to enrolling in massage school, Cynthia began taking Tai Chi Chuan. Shortly after beginning Tai Chi Chuan, she realized that the two, massage and Tai Chi were complementary and that her Tai Chi practice was adding a new dimension to her massage.


Book an appointment:

1702 W. Cass St.
Tampa, Florida 33606
Phone: (813) 875-6177