/ Tampbay-Martialarts.com / MantisKungFuUSA.com

/ Tampbay-Martialarts.com / MantisKungFuUSA.com

KUNG FU Martial Art

The Kung Fu Martial Arts Program consists of:

  • Martial Arts basic exercise

  • Self-defense applications

  • Authentic Chinese weapons

  • Traditional hand forms

  • Chinese History, Philosophy and Meditation

Is Kung Fu for everyone?

Kung Fu is for the young, middle age, old, male and female. There is no age limitations as Kung Fu is ideal for any individual to learn self defense, enhance a variety of Life Skills, and keep in shape, both physically as well as mentally.

Training and Benefits

All students will be trained through the use of basic techniques and exercises. These will improve the student’s health, increase their understanding and application of self defense techniques, along with flexibility, strength and stamina. Additionally, we focus on enhancing the core Life Skills, to help build a stronger community.

Within days, our students feel a definite improvement in their overall well-being, coordination, focus, and self awareness.

Kung Fu Martial Art is also an ideal exercise program for those interested in maintaining or losing weight.

Self Defense

An obvious benefit of martial arts is the ability to defend yourself from physical aggression. Mantis Kung Fu USA teaches many different effective self defense techniques. Again, improvement in speed, strength, skill and reflex will be evident after several months of intensive training in self defense techniques.


Tai Chi Chuan